As you are all well aware the issue of mass times has been in the air for a number of months. As your parish priest this dilemma has caused a great many sleepless nights as I have wrestled with a number of possible options. Inevitably any change has its challenges especially if it affects the …
Continue reading Post Easter Mass Time Changes
Letter from the Rector of the Catholic National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham
A letter from the Rector Dear Father and Parishioners, It is with immense joy that I write to you from the Catholic National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady, at Walsingham, ‘England’s Nazareth.’ It is from here that, as the new Rector, I would like to reach out to you and to your parish community …
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Rational for the Reorganisation of Masses
The diocese, like all the dioceses of England and Wales, is facing a vocations crisis. By 2030 there will be twenty odd priests operating in the diocese, who are 65 or under. The diocese at the moment has over a 100 mass centres. Fr Barry’s last gift to the parishes was to encourage and facilitate …
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Annual Justice & Peace Assembly
Annual Justice & Peace Assembly will explore food and conflict and the positive steps we can make towards a fairer, more peaceful world. With Bishop Richard and speakers from CAFOD, Pax Christi and the Ecological Conversion Group. Free of charge. There will be filming or photography at this event. Footage/pictures are intended for use solely in …
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A Programme for Couples Struggling in their Marriages. Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It …
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‘Warm Spaces’
We are opening a warm centre Monday’s 11-5pm at CTK in the parish room beginning Monday 5th December and St Joachim’s Friday’s 9am-5pm Friday 9th Dec. If you are free to help support this, please speak to Fr Neil
We have access to free food vouchers from Tesco and Asda, if it is a choice between ‘eating and heating’; please contact Fr Neil or Deacon Eugene if you would like to find out more.
Baby Loss Awareness Week
Baby Loss Awareness Week : 9th-15th Oct. This week is a special opportunity to mark the lives of babies lost in pregnancy or soon after birth. Services will take place at both St Michael and All Angels, Willingdon Road, and Our Lady of Ransom, Grange Road at 7.30pm on the 15th Oct. All welcome to …
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First Holy Communion 2022/2023
First Holy Communion 2022/2023. Forms are now available at the back of the church for those parents who wish their children to make their First Holy Communion next year at CTK or St Jo’s. Please complete the forms and return them to Fr Neil by October 15th.
Aid to the Church in Need
This Catholic charity supports the Church in different parts of the world where there is poverty, deprivation and persecution. There will be an appeal by a member of the charity here in the parish on Oct 15/16th. Envelopes will be available for your donations.