As you are all well aware the issue of mass times has been in the air for a number of months. As your parish priest this dilemma has caused a great many sleepless nights as I have wrestled with a number of possible options. Inevitably any change has its challenges especially if it affects the usual mass time and style of mass offered. The shortage of priests is an issue that has been kicked down to road for a number of years, the consequences cannot be avoided any longer. I don’t want to be making these decisions. I am forced to, as the ongoing issue of the lack of priests are outside of my control. The changes that I am announcing are only the first of what will be larger changes to come in light of the implementation of the Pastoral Plan.
This first stage requires a shift from four masses over the weekend to three. This reduction in the number of masses is to look after the long term health of your priest. It also allows space to minister outside of Christ the King and St Joachim’s parishes in line with the Pastoral Plan. The mass time to go will be the 4pm Sunday mass. Please pray for those who usually attend this mass.
The good news is that there will, in this first stage, still be a 5pm vigil mass at CTK, a 9.30am Sunday mass at St Joachim’s and an 11.30am Sunday mass at CTK. However there will be changes to the style of mass at the 11.30am Sunday mass which will follow the Divine Worship pattern.
As an Ordinariate priest, one of the three masses needs to use Divine worship. While some may see this as a problem using unfamiliar words, the presence of an Ordinariate priest can secure that a member of clergy could be attached to this parish for a number of years ahead.
The shape of the 11.30am will look very much like it does now. The difference will be in style of language used, different translations of the Gloria, and Creed, along with a couple of addition prayers. Change, I know, is difficult but please can I ask you to support me and the parish community, particularly at CTK, in embracing the challenge of change in good grace, for the sake of the Church’s mission in glorifying God, and in loving obedience to his will for us at this time.
These changes will come into effect on Sunday 14th April 2024.
In His Service
Fr Neil.