Regular Mass Times

Please check the latest newsletter for any changes.

Major Solemnities and Holy Days of Obligations are usually celebrated at 10am St Joachim’s, 12noon and 7pm at CTK.

The Holy Rosary will be recited every Sunday at 10.45 am.

On the first Sundayof the month, the prayer will be at 10.30 together with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. All welcome.

Sunday St Joachim’s 9:30 am Mass
  Christ the King 11:30 am Mass
  Christ the King 4 pm Mass
Monday   No Public Mass today
Tuesday Christ the King 10 am mass
Wednesday St Joachim’s 10 am mass
Thursday Christ the King 7 pm mass preceded by Adoration from 6 pm
Friday Christ the King 12 noon mass
Saturday Christ the King 5 pm Vigil Mass preceded by Adoration from 4pm


Monthly Mass at Eastbourne District General Hospital

A monthly Mass at 12noon on the last Tuesday of each month is celebrated in the hospital chapel, to which anyone is invited who would like to come and pray with and for the staff and patients.


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Thursday 6-7pm

Friday 1-5pm (suspended until September
because of building works)

Saturday 4 -5pm

Please make use of this time before the Lord


Thursdays 6-7pm, Friday after the 12noon mass, as well as on request.