The Arundel & Brighton Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimage. Join apilgrimage with a difference this summer (13th-28th August) The pilgrimageis open to people of all ages with people invited to join us for the day,several days, or the duration of the journey. To view the itinerary or bookyour place visit the Pilgrims Live website
Parish Picnic at CTK
Parish Picnic at CTK. The Men of St Joseph, the parish group for men in CTK and St Jo’s,is organising a family gathering after the 11.30 Mass next Sunday 17th Julywith lunch in the presbytery garden. Please bring your own food and meet between 1-3pm.There will be games for the younger children. There is a …
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My dear brothers and sisters
Much energy has been spent on encouraging everyone to pray for vocations, especially to the priesthood as the number of men offering themselves to this vital ministry has fallen dramatically. Most parishes have been sheltered from the implications of this vocations crisis as the present priests seek to stretch themselves further to minimise the impact. …
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Roof repairs at CTK.
The re-roofing at CTK started on June 20th and is expected to last several weeks. This will affect the number of spaces in the car park and there will be scaffolding around the church. We need to be more vigilant when entering and leaving the car park and the church during this period. Weekday Mass …
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Catholic Medical Association (UK) welcomes you to our Annual National Conference of 2022
Catholic Medical Association (UK) welcomes you to our Annual National Conference of 2022 Do you have an interest in Palliative and/or End of Life Care? Es una condicion en la que recibieron acupuntura habian mejorado las personas mayores o los médicos recomiendan comprar pastillas para la erección Viagra a los hombres de temperamento que …
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Times of Easter Services :
Times of Easter Services : Maundy Thursday : 14th April, 7pm CTKGood Friday : 15th April, 10.00am : Children’s Liturgy at CTK.3pm, Liturgy of the Passion, CTK & St Joachim’sSaturday Easter Vigil: 16th April, 8.30pmEaster Sunday : 17th April, 9.30am St Joachim’s, 11.30am CTKEaster week : 10am mass each day from Tuesday 19th April to …
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White Flower Appeal
White Flower Appeal White Flower Appeal. Next week there will be a collection for SPUC (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children). The Society works to protect unborn children, and support pregnant women. The collection will be taken up at the end of Mass. You are also asked to take home and send off a …
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Eastbourne Choral Society
Eastbourne Choral Society Eastbourne Choral Society present a performance ofBach’s St John Passion in All Saints Church on Sat2nd April at 7.30pm. This is a beautiful presentation ofthe Easter story, with professional soloists and a finebaroque Orchestra. For further information,, or tel: 733928.Flyers will be available at the back of the Church.
PASTORAL LETTER for the 1st Sunday of Lent 6th March 2022 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Today, we begin the wonderful Season of Lent, a season “ordered to preparing for the celebration of Easter, since the Lenten Liturgy prepares for celebration of the Paschal Mystery both catechumens, by the various stages of Christian Initiation, …
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Let the Children Live – Collection
Let the Children Live – Collection ‘Let the Children Live’. There are collection boxes still available at the backof the church, if you would like to continue your support for Fr Peter’s charityfor street children in Colombia. Thank you to all who have contributed so far;a cheque for £1,242 was recently sent from the parish …
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