Safeguarding Policy diocese of Arundel and Brighton
The Bishop is responsible for Safeguarding issues in his Diocese. He delegates
responsibility via the Trustees to the Safeguarding Sub-Committee of Trustees. The
Safeguarding Sub-Committee of Trustees, together with the Bishop, appoint a
Safeguarding Co-ordinator, and Safeguarding Officer. The Sub-Committee is
accountable to the Bishop and advise him on policy implementation and best
practice. The Co-ordinator and Officer report to the Sub-Committee and are
accountable to the Bishop via the Sub-Committee.
The Church seeks to ensure that its parishes, religious congregations and lay
associations of the faithful acting in the name of the Church have the confidence to
enable vulnerable people to have peace of mind, knowing they will be cared for and
loved by their Christian community. All churches, faith communities and lay
associations that are working in the name of the Church with children and adults at
risk are expected to have in place arrangements which include:
• Procedures to respond to and report concerns and allegations
• Codes of conduct
• Safer recruitment procedures
• Information sharing arrangements
• Support and supervision of staff and volunteers
• Training on safeguarding
The Catholic Church in England and Wales provides a wide range of services for
children and adults, and members of the Church have an important role in
safeguarding and supporting adults, children and families. The duties and
responsibilities of the Church are underpinned by legislation and government
guidance. Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) refers to Faith
Organisations and sets out the responsibilities and expectations of churches and
faith communities in safeguarding children; these expectations are reflected in the
national safeguarding policies and procedures. More information about
safeguarding structures within the Church and key roles can be found using the
following links to the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency.