Can you help?
We need to remember that the parish is our community of faith to which I belong and not just a service I access.
The parish can only run effectively if you are willing to offer help where it is needed.
We need parents to volunteer to help support and
lead the children’s liturgy in both churches.
We need cleaners in both churches.
We need counters for the collection at CTK.
We need those willing to give an hour before the
Blessed sacrament on Friday afternoon at CTK
between 1pm and 5pm.
We need extraordinary ministers to take our Lord to
the housebound.
We need competent singers to form a choir to
support the singing at CTK.
We need funds to help with the cost of major roof
repairs which may cost near £100,000.
We need catechists that will help re-establish our
sacramental programs in both churches.
Your parish priest and deacon cannot do all this on their own but will offer helping guidance and supporting those who do, for the love of God and the community, step forward.