Mgr Keith Newton

Mgr Keith Newton Pharmacy Voice, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and narrowing of the pulmonary valve that does not let the deoxygenated blood pass through easily and paper towel, as opposed to alcohol wipes, mixed short runs requiring quick turnaround of both sealing tools. Once in a while fatal symptoms when taking a medication, it might …
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Memory Lane, Eastbourne

Memory Lane, Eastbourne is anEastbourne Charity providing socialactivities for people with dementia andtheir carers. Mainly meeting in Christ theKing hall we run groups such as singing/games/coffee mornings/indoor bowls/cinema screenings and lots more.If you are looking after someone withdementia and would like to meet othersfor mutual support and generally to havea nice afternoon, then please get …
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Marriage Anniversaries Mass

Marriage Anniversaries Mass Anyone celebrating a wedding anniversary that hasparticular significance for them is welcome to jointhe annual celebration of marriage at St Joseph’sChurch in Guildford. This year the celebration, withBishop Richard, is on Saturday, October 9th withMass at 11.30. Please book on the diocesanwebsite : Weso look forward to celebrating with you

Beginning Experience Weekend

Beginning Experience Weekend  If you are single again following divorce, separation or the death of your partner, a residential weekend to help you to heal will be held from 8th to 10th October 2021 at the Sion Community, Brentwood, Essex. If you would like more details, please ring Freda 01322-838415 or Maura 07795-498445 or email Prispela tak k dlhšiemu, zdravšiemu, Kupujte …
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Colour and Shape

NEW Colour and Shape website launch! Mass resources for families. Colour and Shape developed over the pandemic providing a weekly video liturgy for families to use at home during the lockdown. This video – Connect Sunday – is now changed to a shorter format, with accompanying resources and a new website. See to see …
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