CCRS – The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies starts in our Diocese in September. It is designed for teachers in Catholic schools, catechists and anyone who wants to grow in their Catholic faith. It includes online content and is made up of 8 modules: 6 core and 2 specialist modules. Each module involves 10 hrs …
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Prayer Group
Prayer Group ‘Prayer is to the spirit what breathing is to the body’ : the Prayer Group is taking a Summer break. Next meeting will be Prayer Before Mass on September 5th at 10.30am at CTK
Parish Prayer Book
There are plans to produce a parish prayer book which will contain not only popular Catholic prayers but also favourite prayers of parishioners. If you would like to have a prayer included in this book, please submit them via email to the Parish email address or in writing to Fr Neil or Deacon Eugene. There …
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The Balanced Life Project
The Balanced Life Project invited young adults to explore one of the 4 Pillars of the Balanced Life by entering our essay competition. The essay was to be based on one of the below four questions, whereby each question corresponds to one of the four pillars of The Balanced Life: purpose, relationships, healthy habits, and …
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Ask your MP to sign
Ask your MP to sign a parliamentary motion calling on the Government to introduce new guidance on fetal pain. A new parliamentary motion (EDM 1340) is calling on the Government to introduce new guidance on fetal pain. The evidence that babies can feel pain in the womb, and during many abortions, highlights the humanity of …
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