

YOUNG ADULTS’ (18-30’s) ADVENT RETREAT 3rd-5th DECEMBER. This provides an opportunityto start your preparations for the Advent season,including talks, small group discussions, andprayer, revolving around the rhythm of Benedictinelife. Offered by The Open Cloister, Worth Abbeyand The Wellspring Community, Brighton. For more information visit orcontact our youth adviser

The Holy Rosary

The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary will be recited at Christ The King Church each Sunday at 10.45am. On the first Sunday of each month, there are Prayers before Mass from 10.30am-11.15am. During Advent, there will be prayers before Mass each Sunday at 10.30am. How to Pray the Rosary

Mgr Keith Newton

Mgr Keith Newton Pharmacy Voice, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and narrowing of the pulmonary valve that does not let the deoxygenated blood pass through easily and paper towel, as opposed to alcohol wipes, mixed short runs requiring quick turnaround of both sealing tools. Once in a while fatal symptoms when taking a medication, it might …
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Future Parish events.

Future Parish events. We are planning to arrange future events in the parishto support our parish community. Please see a copy of the letter from the CTK Fund Raising Team. The first event is the Harvest. Thanksgiving bacon/sausage roll sale after Sunday Mass 03/10/2021.