Lent begins this Wednesday

Lent begins this Wednesday, Ash Wednesday.

It is a day of fasting and
abstinence; Mass times : 10.00am at St Jo’s; 12noon & 7.00pm(DW) at
CTK. Saturday adoration during Lent will move from the morning to
4-5.00pm before the evening Mass. On Tuesday’s after 10.00am Mass
there will be a study group on a ‘Journey through the Bible’ in the parish
room; this study group will be repeated on Thursday evening’s after the
7.00pm Mass for the Men of St Joseph’s group. On Thursday evening’s
there will be a led Holy Hour for priests at CTK at 5.30pm followed by the
7.00pm Mass. There will also be Stations of the Cross on Friday’s at 5.00pm
after Exposition and Adoration.

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