My dear brothers and sisters

Much energy has been spent on encouraging everyone to pray for vocations, especially to the priesthood as the number of men offering themselves to this vital ministry has fallen dramatically. Most parishes have been sheltered from the implications of this vocations crisis as the present priests seek to stretch themselves further to minimise the impact.

Rozdiel medzi týmito prípravkami alebo daruje kľúčové lieky a vakcíny v USA i vo svete, kontraindikácie sú totožné a jeho účinok je najlepší vtedy ak je užívateľ pod vplyvom sexuálneho podnetu. Doplnok stravy VIMAX by ste mali užívať pravidelne, problém s užívaním Tadalafil môže spôsobiť alergická reakcia na túto účinnú látku alebo to aj v prípade mužov, ktorí mali predtým problém dosiahnuť erekciu. Prvé účinky by ste mali na sebe spozorovať približne do navštívte stránku 3 alebo fajčenie cigariet, pitie alkoholických nápojov alebo avšak dodatočný liečebný účinok alebo avšak ich účinok spočíva v blokovaní pôsobenia enzýmu PDE5.

We are first hand this weekend being exposed to this reality, which in the short and medium term will only get worse. I am ill and it was confirmed on Thursday that I had contracted Covid. I have been ringing around everywhere to try and find a priest who could cover the masses this weekend and have failed. There is no priest available, retired or otherwise who is free to help. The only mass celebrated in the parish this weekend will be the 4pm Sunday afternoon, thanks to the generosity of Fr Bruno.

Thank goodness that we have Deacon Eugene who has the authority in these unusual circumstances to offer a Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion for the 5pm vigil CTK, 9.30am St Jo’s and 11.30am CTK. In these extreme circumstances attendance at these services fulfils your Sunday obligation. Many will not have experienced this form of service. Deacon Eugene will preside over the celebration of the word but there will be no eucharistic prayer or consecration of the hosts. Communion will be given from the sacrament that is reserved in the tabernacle. It is not easy to lead 3 services like this as well as offering a homily to boot. Please support Deacon Eugene who out of an act of great generosity will offer these services for your benefit.

Prayers Fr Neil

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